Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
Improving resilience of sensors in planetary exploration using data-driven models
(Machine Learning: Science and Technology. 2023 Set 4;4:035041, 2023-09-04)Improving the resilience of sensor systems in space exploration is a key objective since the environmental conditions to which they are exposed are very harsh. For example, it is known that the presence ... -
Teaching methods for increasing the participations of students: innovative dynamics games
(Intangible Capital. 2013;9(2):526-37, 2013)Purpose: This paper analyses new dynamics as teaching methodologies in the context of the degrees adapted to the EHEA. The aim of this study is double: to assess whether there is greater involvement in ... -
La ceguera al género en los estudios de Economía y Empresa
(Revista de docencia universitaria. 2021;19(1):93-110, 2021)Existe abundante legislación de carácter internacional y nacional que requiere incluir la perspectiva de género en la educación superior. Esta legislación viene motivada por la demanda social de evitar ... -
Psychometric design and validation of a tool to assess the medication administration process through simulation in undergraduate nursing students
(Nurse Education Today. 2021;98:104726, 2021)Background: Medication errors account for 38% of adverse events reported among undergraduate nursing students. Simulation provides training for nursing students in the medication administration process. ... -
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: beyond the risky diving
(Pulmonology. 2021;27(1):88-89, 2020-10-08)We read with great interest the letter from Cascais-Costa et al.1 on the risk of developing pneumomediastinum as a result of diving. The authors reviewed the medical condition along with its primary ... -
La ficción seriada desde el mitoanálisis: aproximación cualitativa a los argumentos universales en Netflix, Prime Video y HBO
(Profesional de la información. 2021;30(2):e300221, 2021-04-15)En las últimas décadas ha habido una proliferación sin precedentes de narraciones audiovisuales seriadas, en correspondencia con la llamada tercera edad de oro de la televisión, dentro del contexto de ... -
Los senderos lúdicos que se bifurcan: el juego como mundo y el laberinto como estructura primordial
(Arte, Individuo y Sociedad. 2021;33(4):1079-1093, 2021-07-12)El laberinto ha sido tradicionalmente una de las estructuras físicas, psicológicas y simbólicas más relevantes y enigmáticas del mundo cultural occidental. Fértil como marco mítico para la literatura y ... -
Wikimedia 2030 movement strategy: how an inclusive open strategy process has placed people at the centre
(BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació. 2021;(47):1-26, 2021-12)Objectives: In 2017, the Wikimedia Movement embarked on an open strategy process to decide the scope of action towards the horizon of 2030. Contrary to the development of a traditional strategy, an ... -
Satisfaction and experience with colorectal cancer screening: a systematic review of validated patient reported outcome measures
(BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2021;21(230), 2021-10-27)Background: Patient satisfaction or experience with colorectal cancer screening can determine adherence to screening programs. An evaluation of validated patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for ... -
Electrical impedance myography in health and physical exercise: a systematic review and future perspectives
(Frontiers in Physiology. 2021 Set 14;12:740877, 2021-09-14)Background: Electrical impedance myography (EIM) is a non-invasive method that provides information about muscle health and changes that occur within it. EIM is based on the analysis of three impedance ... -
Health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts. An extended version of discrete choice of model demand
(1998-07-01)This paper analyzes the nature of health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts, with special reference to a National Health Service setting, where monetary prices are zero and ... -
La Tierra Prometida en el videojuego contemporáneo: mitoanálisis de <i>Bioshock Infinite</i> y <i>Death Stranding</i>
(L'Atalante. 2021;(31):117-130, 2021)La creación tradicional de naciones y estados encontró en el mito de la Tierra Prometida un sustento político-religioso clave para su legitimación. El objetivo del presente artículo es contrastar cómo ... -
El tercer participante. Diálogo con Sam Barlow
(L'Atalante. 2021;(31):131-152, 2021)Diálogo con el creador y escritor de videojuegos Sam Barlow en torno a su trabajo dentro de la industria del videojuego y como creador independiente, así como sus planteamientos creativos a la hora de ... -
The role of local content in Wikipedia: a study on reader and editor engagement
(Área Abierta. 2021;21(2):123-151, 2021-05-17)Aproximadamente una cuarta parte de cada Wikipedia está dedicada a representar “contenido local”, es decir, el contexto cultural correspondiente de la lengua (lugares geográficos, hechos históricos, ... -
Repeatability and learning effect in the 6MWT in preoperative cancer patients undergoing a prehabilitation program
(Supportive Care in Cancer.2022;30:5107-5114, 2022)Objective: The main objective was to assess repeatability and learning effect of the 6-min walk test (6MWT) in a cohort of preoperative cancer patients referred to a prehabilitation program. As a secondary ... -
The real estate and credit bubble: evidence from Spain
(SERIEs. 2014 Aug;5(2-3):223-243, 2014)We analyze the determinants of real estate and credit bubbles using a unique borrower-lender matched dataset on mortgage loans in Spain. The dataset contain real estate credit and price conditions (loan ... -
Els sons ocults del paper perforat
(Revista Catalana de Musicologia. 2014;(7):137-152, 2014)La pianola representà un autèntic fenomen de masses durant les tres primeres dècades del segle passat. La seva història ens proporciona un interessant relat sobre el naixement de les grans indústries ... -
Tuberculine reaction measured by infrared thermography
(Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2015;122(2):199-206, 2015-11)Setting: The infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis gives a delayed immune response, measured by the tuberculine skin test. We present a new technique for evaluation based on automatic detection and ... -
¿Nueva escucha en la red? Hábitos universitarios de consumo musical y navegación
(Anàlisi. Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura. 2017;(57):115-130, 2017)Este estudio describe las tendencias generales en los hábitos de consumo de contenido musical en la navegación por la red, desde la perspectiva de los universitarios como generación inmersa en la cultura ... -
Discontinuous system of allowances: the response of prosocial health-care professionals
(Journal of public economics. 2020 Oct;190:104248, 2020-10)This paper examines the unintended strategic effects of non-linear incentives in public policies. A system of health care subsidies structured into discrete intervals may lead to strategic behaviour. ...