Teaching methods for increasing the participations of students: innovative dynamics games
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Purpose: This paper analyses new dynamics as teaching methodologies in the context of the degrees adapted to the EHEA. The aim of this study is double: to assess whether there is greater involvement in seminars with these new dynamics and to test if learning also experienced changes. Design/methodology/approach: To experiment with the introduction of innovative dynamic games in an introductory course in accounting. These new dynamics are applied during the academic year 2010-11 in the UPF. The design, implementation and evaluation of the methodology devised have followed three stages: 1) Game Design and adequate dynamic; 2) To test the games; 2) Implementation during the course. Findings: The results show that students value positively those dynamics improving their learning and creating greater involvement. [...]
Document Type
Oliveras E, Crespo Sogas P. Teaching methods for increasing the participations of students: innovative dynamics games. Intangible Capital. 2013;9(2):526-37. DOI: 10.3926/ic.454
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