Health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts. An extended version of discrete choice of model demand
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This paper analyzes the nature of health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts, with special reference to a National Health Service setting, where monetary prices are zero and general practitioners act as gatekeepers to publicly financed specialized care. We focus our attention on the factors that may explain the continuously increasing use of hospital emergency visits as opposed to other provider alternatives. An extended version of a discrete choice model of demand for patient-initiated contacts is presented, allowing for individual and town residence size differences in perceived quality (preferences) between alternative providers and including travel and waiting time as non-monetary costs. [...]
Document Type
Working document
Puig-Junoy J, Saez M, Martinez-Garcia E. Health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts. An extended version of discrete choice of model demand. Economics Working Papers. 1998;308.
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