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dc.contributor.authorFernández Puigdevall, Mireia
dc.contributor.otherTecnoCampus. Escola Superior de Ciències Socials i de l’Empresa del (ESCSET)ca
dc.descriptionTreball de fi de grau - Curs 2020-2021ca
dc.description.abstractNavigating through a volatile digital era, the adoption of new business models is crucial to survive within the market. Covid-19 has accelerated the path towards the Digital Transformation (DT) of all sectors, including education. After deep diving into the literature on DT, a Digital Maturity Framework has been created to assess the prospects of adaptation to the digital era, in this case of TecnoCampus, from three dimensions: Customer & Data, Operative Model & Organization and Value proposition & Technology. To achieve the main objective, a thorough internal analysis of the institution has been undertaken. Moreover, one of the dimensions has been identified to prioritise in order to develop an action plan which will be the lever to accelerate the path towards DT. Hence, it might be important to keep working on the three dimensions identified to achieve a data-driven organization where decisions will be made based on real customer data, to adopt a mindset based on collaboration, innovation and proactivity. And, ultimately, to harness organizations potential in order to provide customer with the value proposition that responds to their
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.subject.otherTransformació digital, models de negoci, era digitalca
dc.titleLaying the foundations of TecnoCampus' digital transformationca
dc.contributor.tutorAraujo Batlle, Álex

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