Hoverbike world championship
Publication date
This Final Degree Project is written and produced by Marc Sabaté Baranera, a former student
in Tecnocampus. The main abilities he has are, he is very analytical and understands deeply
all he is interested in, another ability is that he is very perseverant in the things he believes in
and has a strong opinion on what he thinks is the best, another skill he has is that he is able
to pivot when something is not working and find the best way to make things work. Apart from
the aptitudes there also are some defects, one of them is that even though he is very
perseverant when he has something in mind, he reflects a lot everything and it is hard for him
to make an important decision since he counts with everything and does not want to be wrong.
The principal motivation to do this work is that he has always been interested in the business
world and this idea has been in his mind for years, he is also motivated by the fact that in a
future this could become a real business, another motivation is the possibility to put in practice
all learnt in the past three years.
This project is related to the degree taken in the sense that is put into practice almost
everything studied, from the accounting statements, through the marketing strategies, to the
implementation of the entrepreneurship abilities.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
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