Informal caregivers’ roles in dementia: the impact on their quality of life
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The constantly changing process of caring for a person with dementia affects the informal caregivers’ role due to its psychosocial impact. This cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the impact of the Person with Dementia informal caregiver’s role caregiver to a person with dementia on the self-perceived quality of life (QoL) of the caregiver. In total, 160 informal caregivers were recruited between January and December 2019. Informal caregivers’ quality of life was assessed using the European Quality of Life 5-Dimension scale, burden with the Zarit Burden Scale, emotional wellbeing using the General Health Questionnaire, and caregiver reactions using Caregiver Reaction Aspects. Patients’ cognitive impairment was assessed with the Mini-Mental State Examination, their quality of life using Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease, and neuropsychiatric symptoms using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. [...]
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Frias CE, Cabrera E, Zabalegui A. Informal caregivers’ roles in dementia: the impact on their quality of life. Life. 2020;10(11):251. DOI: 10.3390/life10110251
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© 2020 by Frias CE, Cabrera E, Zabalegui A. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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