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Multimodal prehabilitation in heart transplant recipients improves short-term post-transplant outcomes without increasing costs
(Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 May 28;12(11):3724, 2023-05-28)1) Background and aim: This study aimed to investigate the impact of prehabilitation on the postoperative outcomes of heart transplantation and its cost-effectiveness. (2) Methods: This single-center, ... -
Development, validity and reliability of objective structured clinical examination in nursing students
(SAGE Open Nursing. 2023; 9:1-8, 2023)Introduction: The adoption of measurement instruments such as the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is essential to assess clinical competencies in nursing students. Objective: The purpose ... -
Evaluación de la efectividad de un programa de intervención en cuidadores no profesionales de personas dependientes en el ámbito de la atención primaria
(Atención Primaria. 2021;53(1):60-66, 2021)Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de una intervención a cuidadores no profesionales (CNP). Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimental de tipo antes/después, sin grupo control. Emplazamiento: Atención primaria; 5 ... -
Pulmonary function in patients with chronic stroke compared with a control group of healthy people matched by age and sex
(Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2023;39(5), 2023)Background: Effects of chronic stroke on pulmonary function are largely unknown. Aim: To compare lung volumes in people with chronic stroke with a control group of healthy people matched by age and sex, ... -
The relationship between resistance exercise performance and ventilatory efficiency after beetroot juice intake in well-trained athletes
(Nutrients. 2021;13(4):1094, 2021-03-27)The assessment of ventilatory efficiency is critical to understanding the matching of ventilation (VE) and perfusion in the lungs during exercise. This study aimed to establish a causal physiological ... -
Cómo afrontar el envejecimiento de forma saludable: cambios y oportunidades
(Aquichan. 2019;19(1):e1915, 2019-02-27)Objetivo: conocer las características sociodemográficas de las personas adultas mayores (60-70 años) de la población de Mataró (Barcelona) y su relación con el grado de conocimientos y las necesidades ... -
Instruments for patient education: psychometric evaluation of the expected knowledge (EKhp) and the received knowledge of hospital patients (RKhp)
(Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 2020;(13):1481-1505, 2020)Purpose: In patient education, there is a need for valid and reliable instruments to assess and tailor empowering educational activities. In this study, we summarize the process of producing two parallel ... -
Changes in muscle contractile properties after cold- or warm-water immersion using tensiomyography: a cross-over randomised trial
(Sensors. 2020;20(11):3193, 2020-06-04)Muscle contractile properties in clinical practice are often measured using either subjective scales or high-cost, inaccessible equipment. In this randomised cross-over study, we aimed to explore the ... -
Informal caregivers’ roles in dementia: the impact on their quality of life
(Life.2020;10(11):251, 2020-10-23)The constantly changing process of caring for a person with dementia affects the informal caregivers’ role due to its psychosocial impact. This cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the impact of the ... -
Validation of the Spanish version of the double knowledge expectations and received knowledge significant other scale for Informal caregivers of people with dementia (KESO-DEM/RKSO-DEM)
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(9):5314, 2022-04-27)Dementia is associated with cognitive decline. Becoming an informal caregiver raises questions, requiring information and support from health professionals to guide home care. A multicenter, longitudinal ... -
Bologna process in European nursing education. Ten years later, lights and shadows
(Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2021;77(3):1102-1104, 2021)More than 10 years after the Bologna declaration (1999), the Higher education landscape has changed, nursing education has not been exempt from adaptation in order to be competitive in a global market ... -
Usability of a mobile application for health professionals in home care services: a user-centered approach
(Scientific Reports. 2023 Feb;13(1):2607, 2023-02-14)The use of mobile devices by healthcare professionals has led to rapid growth in the development of mobile healthcare applications designed to improve healthcare services. This study was conducted to ... -
Survival and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer patient according to different tumour subtypes as determined by hormone receptor and Her2 immunohistochemistry. A single institution survey spanning 1998 to 2010
(The Breast. 2012 Jun;21(3):366-373, 2012-06)As far as recent breast cancer molecular subtype classification is concerned, much work has dealt with clinical outcomes for triple negative and Her2 patients. Less is known about the course of patients ... -
Aplicación del modelo Balance of Care en la toma de decisiones acerca del mejor cuidado para las personas con demencia
(Gaceta Sanitaria. 2017 Nov;31(6):518-523, 2017-11)Objetivo: Describir la aplicación del modelo Balance of Care en la toma de decisiones acerca del mejor cuidado para las personas con demencia en el contexto español. Métodos: Se utilizó el modelo Balance ... -
Short-term effects of two different recovery strategies on muscle contractile properties in healthy active men: A randomised cross-over studa
(Journal Sports Sciences. 2022 Mar;40(6):646-654, 2022-03)The aim of this study was to compare the immediate effects of cold-water immersion (CWI) and hot-water immersion (HWI) versus passive resting after a fatigue-induced bout of exercise on the muscle ... -
Personality traits as a risk factor for postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
(Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022 Feb 1;298(Pt A):577-589, 2022-02-01)Background: Certain personality traits increase vulnerability to depression, but the evidence linking personality and postpartum depression (PPD) is less robust. This systematic review aimed to identify ... -
The economic and social value of spa tourism: the case of balneotherapy in Maresme, Spain
(PLoS ONE. 2022 JAN 31;17(1):e0262428, 2022-01-31)The aim of this article is to assess both the economic and social value of balneotherapy and spa tourism, being the first paper in carrying out this analysis. The study has been conducted in Maresme, a ... -
Systematic review of the effect of aquatic therapeutic exercise in breast cancer survivors
(European Journal of Cancer Care. 2022;31:e13535, 2022)Background: Aquatic therapeutic exercise can be equally effective or even superior to land-based exercise in improving several clinical variables. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on the ... -
Perception of the online learning environment of nursing students in Slovenia: validation of the DREEM questionnaire
(Healthcare. 2021 Aug 05;9(8):998, 2021-08-05)At the time of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, several measures were in place to limit the spread of the virus, such as lockdown and restriction of social contacts. Many colleges thus had to ... -
Integration of the assure model for bachelor of nursing training: an international project
(Integration of Education. 2021;25(3):372-386, 2021)Introduction. The active integration of digital technologies into the modern educational process is an urgent task for the global education ecosystem. In this paper, within the framework of the joint ...