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dc.contributor.authorWang, Wenyi
dc.contributor.otherTecnoCampus. Escola Superior de Ciències Socials i de l’Empresa del (ESCSET)ca
dc.descriptionTreball de fi de grau - Curs 2021-2022ca
dc.description.abstractIn promoting carbon neutrality in China, eliminating low-end capacity in energy and power generation, decarbonization will be the ultimate response to the demands of corporate business models, manufacturing industries, and higher lifestyles (ETC & RMI, 2019). Significant changes in energy supply and consumption patterns are on the horizon and accelerated. Using secondary sources in the literature section demonstrates the opportunities and challenges for people and provides relevant economic analysis and assessment of policies. The most promising areas for investment are renewable energy (Photovoltaic power generation, Wind power generation), power grids, and energy storage. It is worth pointing out China's abundance of solar and wind energy resources. New government projects of ultra-high voltage transmission systems that address the uneven spatial distribution of resources. The introduction of energy storage to address uncertainty in the timing of energy creation, and grid-connected generation has improved the efficiency of electricity usage. Related decision-making needs depend highly on government policies, subsidies, and project scale. There are certainly challenges to consider: the installation of many facilities is delayed due to pandemics, which has significantly impacted the supply chain of wind power, further reflecting the lack of capacity and offshore wind power supply in China. Profitability of PV and wind power generation projects is highly dependent on government subsidy and the cost of projects decrease while installation capacity increases, other clean energy resources do not have the same correlation. This paper also offers some innovative approaches to individual and small companies. At the end, the importance of innovation and technology have been emphasised. Using interviews to find investment and employment opportunities, three experts in the field of carbon neutrality answered questions about practical and feasible paths for people wanting to take advantage of the trend. The content analysis for the interview points out people could do some research on each sector and combine sustainability transformation with the field they are familiar with and find opportunities in their daily life and pay more attention to the policy. The field is currently in its initial stage, so the 2 Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Innovation Management infrastructure building relies heavily on input investment then having profit. They can also invest themselves to acquire more knowledge to help them familiar with the future trends transforming from traditional environmental disruption to a new environmental and ecological friendly. Using surveys with descriptive analysis to find out people's initiative, most people noticed that the carbon neutral industry creates more possibilities in combination with their current careers, and they have a strong wellness to make the transition to both career and life
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.subject.otherCarbon, China, energy, neutralityca
dc.titleNew opportunities during the process of achieving carbon neutrality in Chinaca
dc.contributor.tutorIoan Boar, Andrei

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