TECNOCAMPUS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 1988
Mentoring guide: driving EdTech innovation through design thinking
(2025)Guia dissenyada per assessorar els mentors a monitoritzar grups de persones mitjançant la metodologia Design Thinking, amb l'objectiu de generar solucions innovadores en el sector de la Tecnologia de ... -
Nova interfície d'EBSCO
(2025-01)Guia sobre com fer cerques, veure els resultats i consultar les publicacions que es poden trobar a les bases de dades que formen part d'EBSCO i que la Biblioteca hi està subscrita. -
Half of the patients with subepithelial tumors present borderline or pathologic anxiety-distress and carcinophobia: a multicenter cohort study
(Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas. 2023:115(2):80-84, 2023)Background and Aims: Minor nonspecific gastrointestinal subepithelial lesions (usually defined by the term ‘tumor’) are usually associated with a malignant illness and cancer. The aim of this study was ... -
Reflexiones sobre la caracterización del silencio como signo: dificultades, interrogantes y singularidades
(Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica. 2023;32:637-658, 2023)Aunque el silencio como fenómeno es transversal y universal, la inercia de una visión lingüístico-céntrica negativa impregna el silencio de concepciones erróneas o matizables que estigmatizan su signo. ... -
A novel application of entropy analysis for assessing changes in movement variability during cumulative tackles in young elite rugby league players
(Biology of Sport. 2023;40(1):161–170, 2023)The aim of this study was to identify between-position (forwards vs. backs) differences in movement variability in cumulative tackle events training during both attacking and defensive roles. Eleven ... -
Validity of a low-cost friction encoder for measuring velocity, force and power in flywheel exercise devices
(Biology of Sport. 2023 Nov 18;40(3):805-811, 2023-11-18)The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a low-cost friction encoder against a criterion measure (strain gauge combined with a linear encoder) for assessing velocity, force and power ... -
La escucha del ojo: un recorrido por el sonido y el cine, de Marina Hervás
(Journal of Sound, Silence, Image and Technology. 2023;6:69-76, 2023)70En la introducción a La escucha del ojo. Un recorrido por el sonido y el cine, Marina Hervás —profesora de historia de la música en la Universidad de Granada, filósofa, violinista e in-cansable promotora ... -
Uso de dispositivos móviles para la creación audiovisual en el aula universitaria
(Journal of Sound, Silence, Image and Technology. 2023;(6):34-48, 2023)Ante la mejora de los dispositivos móviles y su uso masivo en la industria audiovisual, la poca presencia de estos en las estudios relacionados con el sector es la base de una investigación que contempla ... -
Audiovisual warfare: music and international persuasion in documentary films during the Spanish civil war
(Twentieth-Century Music. 2023;20(2):244-260, 2023)During the Spanish Civil War, cinema became one of the most powerful weapons of propaganda. The music of the films, full of anthems and political references, was an essential tool for displaying the ... -
Decision making influences movement variability and performance of high-level female football players in an elastic resistance task
(Frontiers in Psychology. 2023;14:1175248, 2023)Introduction: The inclusion of sport-specific constraints in resistance training promotes the development of player abilities in an integrated way, which maximises the effectiveness of player adaptations ... -
Bispecific sigma-1 receptor antagonism and mu-opioid receptor partial agonism: WLB-73502, an analgesic with improved efficacy and safety profile compared to strong opioids
(Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2023;13(1):82-99, 2023)Opioids are the most effective painkillers, but their benefit-risk balance often hinder their therapeutic use. WLB-73502 is a dual, bispecific compound that binds sigma-1 (S1R) and mu-opioid (MOR) ... -
Lliçons de les primeres avaluacions científiques de la regulació dels lloguers a Catalunya
(Revista Catalana de Dret Públic. 2023;(66):86-102, 2023)Durant un any i mig aproximadament hi ha hagut una llei de control de lloguers vigent a Catalunya (Llei 11/2020). La Llei 11/2020, que va entrar en vigor el 18 de setembre de 2020, va quedar parcialment ... -
Anthropometry, body composition, and physical fitness in semi-professional soccer players: differences between sexes and playing position
(Applied Sciences. 2023 Jan 17;13(3):1249, 2023-01-17)Performance in soccer has been associated with specific morphological characteristics. Few studies have simultaneously compared the relationships between physical fitness and body composition in both ... -
Sustainable marketing activities, event image, perceived value and tourists’ behavioral intentions in the sports tourism
(Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. 2023 Set;28(55):60-78, 2023-09)Purpose – This study constructs the influence mechanism model of sustainable marketing activities (SMAs), event image, commemorative product perceived value and tourists’ behavioral intentions (TBIs) ... -
Effects on sleep quality of physical exercise programs in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
(Clocks & Sleep. 2023 Mar;5(2):152-166, 2023-03)Background: Given the beneficial effects of exercise in different populations and the close relationship between healthy ageing and sleep quality, our objective was to determine if physical exercise ... -
Adding mechanical vibration to a half squat with different ballasts and rhythms increases movement variability
(PLoS ONE. 2023 jul;18(7):e0284863, 2023-07)The aim of this study was to determine whether whole body vibration increases movement variability while performing a half squat with different ballasts and rhythms through entropy. A total of 12 male ... -
Aluminum concentrations in male and female football players during the season
(Toxics. 2023 Nov 10;11(11):920, 2023-11-10)Aluminum (Al) is one of the most abundant trace mineral elements in the earth’s crust. Al is considered a potent neurotoxicant. Physical exercise could cause modifications in some trace mineral elements. ... -
Analysis of technical–tactical actions in high-level table tennis players: differences between sexes
(Sports. 2023 Nov 14;11(11):225, 2023-11-14)Table tennis is a sport played at a high speed; therefore, the technical–tactical variables are very important. The objective of the research is to analyze the technical and tactical characteristics of ... -
Physical fitness in young top level table tennis players: differences between sex, age and playing style
(Frontiers in Sports and Active Living- 2023 Nov 28;5:1308960, 2023-11-28)Understanding the physical fitness of table tennis (TT) players could be interesting in improving the training process and evaluating talent. This study aimed to assess the physical fitness of U14 TT ...