Personality traits and dimensions of mental health
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Individuals are different in a relatively constant pattern of thoughts, feeling, and behaviors, which are called personality traits. Mental health is a condition of well-being in which people may reach their full potential and deal effectively with stress, work efficiently, and contribute to their communities. Indeed, the link between personality and mental health as indicated by the 12-item version of the general health questionnaires (GHQ-12) has been well-established according to evidence found by decades of research. However, the GHQ-12 comprises many questions asking about different dimensions of mental health. It is unclear how personality traits relate to these dimensions of mental health. [...]
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Kang W, Steffens F, Pineda Hernández S, Widuch K, Malvaso A. Personality traits and dimensions of mental Health. Sci Rep. 2023 May 1;13(7091):1-10. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33996-1
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