Safe and inclusive educational apps: digital protection from an ethical and critical perspective
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The mediated use of technology fosters learning from early childhood and is a potential resource for inclusive education. Nevertheless, the huge range of options and exposure to interactive digital content, which is often online, also implies a series of risks. The definition of protection underlying the current strategies to protect children is inadequate as it only extends to reducing children's exposure to harmful content. This study proposes the expansion of this definition. Through systematic observation of 200 apps within the Catalan sphere for children under 8 years of age and principal component analysis, the results support a multidimensional conceptualisation of protection which, instead of being restricted to the potential risks, also considers aspects related to the educational and inclusive potential of digital resources. [...]
Document Type
Crescenzi Lanna L, Valente R, Suárez Gómez R. Safe and inclusive educational apps: digital protection from an ethical and critical perspective. Comunicar.2019:27(61):93-102. DOI: 10.3916/C61-2019-08
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