Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
Lliçons de les primeres avaluacions científiques de la regulació dels lloguers a Catalunya
(Revista Catalana de Dret Públic. 2023;(66):86-102, 2023)Durant un any i mig aproximadament hi ha hagut una llei de control de lloguers vigent a Catalunya (Llei 11/2020). La Llei 11/2020, que va entrar en vigor el 18 de setembre de 2020, va quedar parcialment ... -
Sustainable marketing activities, event image, perceived value and tourists’ behavioral intentions in the sports tourism
(Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. 2023 Set;28(55):60-78, 2023-09)Purpose – This study constructs the influence mechanism model of sustainable marketing activities (SMAs), event image, commemorative product perceived value and tourists’ behavioral intentions (TBIs) ... -
Sustainability practices and student satisfaction in business schools: the role of notoriety and internationalization
(Intangible Capital.2023;19(2):131-145, 2023)Purpose: The objective of this work is to determine whether the effort of business schools in terms of sustainability policies improves student satisfaction through boosting the internationalization of ... -
Selfies versus conservation: the influence of user-generated content in the image of protected natural spaces
(Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 2023 Dec;44(part A):100644, 2023-12)This study uses geolocated Instagram posts to understand the influence of User-Generated Content (UGC) on image projection and its influence on the behaviours of visitors in vulnerable destinations that ... -
Can social capital variables help to determine loan to value approved by banks?
(Journal of Real Estate Research. 2022;44(3):355-376, 2022-02-14)This paper sheds some light on the effects of social capital variables (social network data, physical appearance, etc.) on loan-to-value (LTV), a crucial variable to evaluate systemic risk. Using a ... -
Monetary policy and asset price bubbles: a laboratory experiment
(Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2021 Sep;130:1-15, 2021-09)Leaning-against the-wind (LAW) policies, whereby interest rates are raised in the face of a growing asset price bubble, are often advocated as a means of dampening such bubbles. On the other hand, there ... -
Sustainability practices at private universities: a state-of-the-art assessment
(International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2021;28(5):402-416, 2021)Private universities are important actors in higher education, and also play a key role in the sustainability debate. But despite their importance, there a shortage of research on how sustainability is ... -
Differences in residents' attitudes towards tourism among mass tourism destinations
(International Journal of Tourism Research. 2017;19(5):535-545, 2017-09)This article contributes to extant knowledge by analysing differences in the attitudes towards tourism of residents living in several micro-destinations (cities) within a larger tourism destination, ... -
La universidad asincrónica: uso de las TIC en estudiantes de periodismo
(adComunica: revista científica de estrategias, tendencias e innovación en comunicación. 2017;(14):163-181, 2017)La formación universitaria es uno de los pilares en la redefinición del rol del profesional del periodismo. La transformación que ha vivido la industria de la información en los últimos ... -
Factors affecting time spent visiting heritage city areas
(Sustainability. 2018;10(6):1824, 2018-06-01)Urban tourism is growing fast, and in many cities visitor influx tends to concentrate in historic urban centers. When there are large numbers of visitors, deepening the knowledge on visitor time consumption ... -
A comparison of banks and real estate intermediaries as house sellers
(Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 2023;(38):1385–1407, 2023)The foreclosure crisis associated with the banking crisis transformed banks in the hardesthit countries into real estate brokers. The main novelty of this paper is to study banks as sellers of their own ... -
Entrepreneurial skills and wage employment
(International Journal of Manpower. 2016;37(3):556-588, 2016)Promotion of entrepreneurial skills among the population is often considered as an adequate policy to enhance job creation and economic growth. However, neither the definition of entrepreneurial skills, ... -
La introducción de los REI en la formación de profesores: un ejemplo de REI-FP
(Educação Matemática Pesquisa. 2020;22(4):546-560, 2020)En este trabajo comentamos el desarrollo de una experiencia piloto para presentar un proceso de estudio en el marco de la formación didáctica inicial de los futuros profesores de Educación Secundaria. ... -
The evolution and impact of tourism in the Mediterranean: the case of island regions, 1990-2002
(Cuadernos de Turismo. 2016;(37):269–303, 2016-05-03)This paper aims to analyse one of the world’s top tourist destinations, the Mediterranean, and, more specifically, the evolution and impact of mass tourism on its western islands (Corsica, Sardinia, ... -
Overeducation and childcare time
(International Journal of Manpower. 2023;44(9):108-127, 2023-08-01)Purpose – Research shows that parental employment and education status affect the amount of parental childcare time, which is a fundamental determinant of children’s outcomes. In this paper, the authors ... -
Why do tertiary education graduates regret their study program? A comparison between Spain and the Netherlands
(Higher Education. 2013;65(5):565-579, 2013-05)In this paper we investigate the determinants of regret of study program for tertiary education graduates in Spain and the Netherlands. These two countries differ in their educational system in terms ... -
Cities and milk consumption in Europe, 1890-1936: the emergence of a new market in Spain
(Historia Agraria. 2017;73:59-90, 2017-12)One of the main features of the European nutritional transition involved the wide-spread increase in milk consumption, a singular process as it involved the emergence of new consumption preferences.This ... -
Milk, social acceptance of a new food in Europe: Catalonia, 19th-20th centuries
(Dynamis. 2010;30:119-139, 2010)In this article we analyse the time course of the consumption of fresh milk in different regions of Europe between the 1870s and 1930s. Working from the case of Catalonia, we affirm that the increasing ... -
El reto de mantener los principios de la economía social a largo plazo: el caso de TUSGSAL
(REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos. 2023;1(143):e69184, 2023-02-27)Las organizaciones de la economía social se encuentran en un momento importante desde el punto de vista económico y social. Nuevos modelos de negocio, el papel de la innovación, la atención a los grupos ... -
Economic and social yield of investing in a sporting event: sustainable value creation in a territory
(Sustainability. 2021 Jun 23;13(13):7033, 2021-06-23)Sporting events are a stimulant for the economy and for improving social benefits. This paper aims to estimate a sporting event’s economic and social impact through input–output tables and cost-benefit ...