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dc.contributor.authorManresa Görgen, Pol
dc.contributor.otherTecnoCampus. Escola Superior de Ciències Socials i de l’Empresa del (ESCSET)ca
dc.descriptionTreball de fi de grau - Curs 2020-2021ca
dc.description.abstractThe emissions of air pollutant PM 2.5 constitute great risks to health. Along in Europe, 400.000 premature deaths per year can be attributed to high exposures of fine particulate matter. The use of internal combustion vehicles contributes to % of this burden. Active modes of transportation like bike sharing systems (BSS) present a more sustainable mode of transportation within a city. Moreover, I found a lack of scientific research about PM 2.5 pollution in Spain and more concretely about the impact of BSS in Spain towards PM 2.5 pollution. Therefore, the aim goal of this study has been to determine if all variations of PM 2.5 pollution in 12 Spanish cities can be explained through the result of BSS implementations. The outcome has been obtained by using the Fixed Effects model, a type of panel data analysis. The results show that the implementations of BSS resulted in 14% less PM 2.5 pollution during the period 2008 until 2016. The outcome has been obtained by using the Fixed Effects model, a type of panel data analysis. My findings indicate that …ca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International*
dc.subject.otherEmissions, air pollutant, bike sharing systemsca
dc.titleImpact of bike sharing towards PM 2.5 pollution in 12 cities of Spainca
dc.contributor.tutorBernardo, Valeria

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