Now showing items 30-32 of 32

    • Tuberculine reaction measured by infrared thermography 

      Fiz, José Antonio; Lozano García, Manuel; Monte, Enrique; Gonzalez-Martinez, Adela; Faundez-Zanuy, Marcos; Becker, Caroline; Pons, Laura; Ruiz-Manzano, Juan (Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2015;122(2):199-206, 2015-11)
      Setting: The infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis gives a delayed immune response, measured by the tuberculine skin test. We present a new technique for evaluation based on automatic detection and ...
    • Validación de la versión española: expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado 

      Cano-Plazas, Sara; Lacueva Perez, Laia; Cabrera, Esther; Zabalegui, Adelaida (Aquichan. 2017;17(3):292-304, 2017)
      Objetivo: evaluar la validez y la fiabilidad de la versión española del instrumento Expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado (ECPH/CRPH) en pacientes con osteoartritis intervenidos ...
    • Wikimedia 2030 movement strategy: how an inclusive open strategy process has placed people at the centre 

      Miquel-Ribé, Marc; Vaidla, Kaarel; Fort, Francesc; Torres, Anna (BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació. 2021;(47):1-26, 2021-12)
      Objectives: In 2017, the Wikimedia Movement embarked on an open strategy process to decide the scope of action towards the horizon of 2030. Contrary to the development of a traditional strategy, an ...