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Health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts. An extended version of discrete choice of model demand
(1998-07-01)This paper analyzes the nature of health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts, with special reference to a National Health Service setting, where monetary prices are zero and ... -
Milk, social acceptance of a new food in Europe: Catalonia, 19th-20th centuries
(Dynamis. 2010;30:119-139, 2010)In this article we analyse the time course of the consumption of fresh milk in different regions of Europe between the 1870s and 1930s. Working from the case of Catalonia, we affirm that the increasing ... -
A European study investigating patterns of transition from home care towards institutional dementia care: the protocol of a RightTimePlaceCare study
(BMC Public Health. 2012 Jan 23;12(68):1-10, 2012-01-23)Background: Health care policies in many countries aim to enable people with dementia to live in their own homes as long as possible. However, at some point during the disease the needs of a significant ... -
Survival and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer patient according to different tumour subtypes as determined by hormone receptor and Her2 immunohistochemistry. A single institution survey spanning 1998 to 2010
(The Breast. 2012 Jun;21(3):366-373, 2012-06)As far as recent breast cancer molecular subtype classification is concerned, much work has dealt with clinical outcomes for triple negative and Her2 patients. Less is known about the course of patients ... -
Teaching methods for increasing the participations of students: innovative dynamics games
(Intangible Capital. 2013;9(2):526-37, 2013)Purpose: This paper analyses new dynamics as teaching methodologies in the context of the degrees adapted to the EHEA. The aim of this study is double: to assess whether there is greater involvement in ... -
El proceso de Bolonia en el área de contabilidad: efectos sobre la satisfacción de los estudiantes
(Educade: Revista de Educación en Contabilidad, Finanzas y Administración de Empresas. 2013;(4):22-33, 2013)La adaptación de las universidades españolas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha introducido un cambio de modelo educativo. Tradicionalmente, la educación universitaria en España se ha ... -
Why do tertiary education graduates regret their study program? A comparison between Spain and the Netherlands
(Higher Education. 2013;65(5):565-579, 2013-05)In this paper we investigate the determinants of regret of study program for tertiary education graduates in Spain and the Netherlands. These two countries differ in their educational system in terms ... -
Los spots musicales. Diferencias con el género cinematográfico musical
(ZER: Revista De Estudios De Comunicación = Komunikazio Ikasketen Aldizkaria. 2013;18(35):215-232, 2013-12-26)Actualmente se usan los musicales como mecanismo de atracción y persuasión. Los anun-cios televisivos musicales incorporan los atributos ic—ni cos y los c—di gos relacionados con el género cinematográfico ... -
Els sons ocults del paper perforat
(Revista Catalana de Musicologia. 2014;(7):137-152, 2014)La pianola representà un autèntic fenomen de masses durant les tres primeres dècades del segle passat. La seva història ens proporciona un interessant relat sobre el naixement de les grans indústries ... -
The real estate and credit bubble: evidence from Spain
(SERIEs. 2014 Aug;5(2-3):223-243, 2014)We analyze the determinants of real estate and credit bubbles using a unique borrower-lender matched dataset on mortgage loans in Spain. The dataset contain real estate credit and price conditions (loan ... -
Tuberculine reaction measured by infrared thermography
(Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2015;122(2):199-206, 2015-11)Setting: The infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis gives a delayed immune response, measured by the tuberculine skin test. We present a new technique for evaluation based on automatic detection and ... -
La transformación del género audiovisual musical en la red. Los lipdubs como vestigios del cine musical
(Comunicación y Hombre. 2015(11):115-128, 2015-11-15)Este artículo determina qué continúa del cine musical como género en los nuevos formatos musicales de la comunicación 2.0. El ciudadano espectador/creador del nuevo paradigma comunicativo produce y ... -
Exploración de patrones de interacción para su uso en la web semántica
(Profesional de la Información. 2015 Dic 1;24(6):749-758, 2015-12-01)En los últimos años se han publicado múltiples propuestas de conjuntos de patrones de interacción aplicables al diseño y al desarrollo de interfaces web. Paralelamente, la web semántica (WS) mejora los ... -
El silenci, matèria expressiva i significativa
(Anàlisi. Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura. 2015;(53):35-47, 2015-12-15)Significació, expressió i comunicació no tenen perquè anar sempre conjuntament. No obstant, el silenci audiovisual, com a recurs i com a contrast psicoperceptiu, pot ser significatiu, pot ser una expressió ... -
Selection of entropy based features for automatic analysis of essential tremor
(Entropy. 2016;18(5):184, 2016)Biomedical systems produce biosignals that arise from interaction mechanisms. In a general form, those mechanisms occur across multiple scales, both spatial and temporal, and contain linear and non-linear ... -
Amalgama vs. aksak. Sobre la conceptualización del ritmo asimétrico en la música popular urbana
(El Oído Pensante. 2016;4(2):43-60, 2016)Toda actividad musical, incluidos los elementos que intervienen en su construcción social, está estrechamente vinculada a la cultura en la que se manifiesta. El estudio de dichos elementos puede ayudarnos ... -
Entrepreneurial skills and wage employment
(International Journal of Manpower. 2016;37(3):556-588, 2016)Promotion of entrepreneurial skills among the population is often considered as an adequate policy to enhance job creation and economic growth. However, neither the definition of entrepreneurial skills, ... -
An explanatory study of MBA students with regards to sustainability and ethics commitment
(Sustainability. 2016 Mar 18;8(3):280, 2016-03-18)(1) Background: The consequences of the recent economic crisis have shown the need for promoting certain key skills in future entrepreneurs to create enterprises that are capable of producing added ... -
Emprendimiento y supervivencia empresarial en época de crisis: el caso de Barcelona
(Intangible Capital. 2016 Apr;12(1):95-120, 2016-04)Objeto: El trabajo que se presenta en este artículo es la primera parte de un estudiosobre las estrategias llevadas a cabo por las empresas en épocas de crisis. Este primerartículo analiza las características ... -
The evolution and impact of tourism in the Mediterranean: the case of island regions, 1990-2002
(Cuadernos de Turismo. 2016;(37):269–303, 2016-05-03)This paper aims to analyse one of the world’s top tourist destinations, the Mediterranean, and, more specifically, the evolution and impact of mass tourism on its western islands (Corsica, Sardinia, ...